
ROC MP ties together Kremlin's narratives in attempt to form a wider nationalist ideology around the war in Ukraine - ISW

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The Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, a Kremlin-controlled organization, held a council and adopted an ideological document that ties together Kremlin narratives to form a broader nationalist ideology around the war in Ukraine.

The Russian Orthodox Church MP, a Kremlin-controlled organization, held a council and adopted an ideological document that ties together Kremlin ideological narratives to form a broader nationalist ideology around the war in Ukraine. This is stated in the latest report by the American Institute for the Study of War (ISW), UNN reports.


ISW notes in its report that "the Russian Orthodox Church Moscow Patriarchate (ROC MP), a Kremlin-controlled organization and a known tool within the Russian hybrid warfare toolkit, held the World Russian People’s Council in Moscow on March 27 and 28 and approved an ideological and policy document tying several Kremlin ideological narratives together in an apparent effort to form a wider nationalist ideology around the war in Ukraine and Russia’s expansionist future".

As ISW notes in the report, "Putin and Kremlin officials have gradually attempted to elaborate on amorphous ideological narratives about the war in Ukraine and their envisioned geopolitical confrontation with the West since the start of the full-scale invasion, and the ROC MP appears to be offering a more coherent ideological framework for Russians."

"The ROC MP released the document a week after the Crocus City Hall terrorist attack and roughly a month before the start of the Orthodox Easter Holy Week, and likely aims to seize on heightened anxieties following the terrorist attack and increased Russian Orthodoxy observance to garner support for its desired ultranationalist policies and ideological vision," ISW points out.

Всесвітній російський народний собор ухвалив наказ з геноцидною риторикою щодо України: Лубінець готує звернення до Ради ООН 29.03.24, 11:03


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