
Reuters reports on difficulties in EU talks on Ukraine

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A senior official made gloomy comments about discussions ahead of the December EU summit, where decisions on Ukraine are expected

Reuters reported on "downbeat comments" by a senior official about EU discussions ahead of a December summit where decisions are expected to be made on supporting Ukraine and starting membership talks, UNN reported.

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A senior official said on Friday that the bloc has not yet agreed to provide Ukraine with 50 billion euros.

The European Commission's proposal to revise the bloc's long-term budget to provide Ukraine with another 50 billion euros by 2027 "has been criticized from several sides," the official said. 

He indicated that recent discussions in the bloc on further support for Ukraine were a "reality check". "The leaders...realized that it is quite expensive," said the official, who is involved in preparations for the December 14-15 summit of the 27 EU leaders in Brussels.

The official said the recent ruling by Germany's constitutional court on the budget has further narrowed the room for maneuver for the bloc's largest financial donor.

"We cannot allow Ukraine to go bankrupt, it is not an option for us. But it is not easy," the official said.

According to Reuters, "The person went on to cast doubt on the start of formal EU membership talks with Ukraine, saying expectations of a decision at the same summit next month were "under threat".

The official cited Hungary's resistance as one of the reasons , potentially preventing the unanimity needed for such a move.

He also said that some EU leaders have suggested revisiting the topic in March 2024, following the European Commission's promised next assessment of whether Ukraine has fulfilled the remaining conditions.

Julia Shramko



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