
Renaming Brovary: We must first win the war, and then deal with such issues

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It is not appropriate to raise the issue of renaming cities now. All efforts should be directed to supporting the Armed Forces of Ukraine. And only after the victory will we deal with the names of settlements. This opinion was expressed by Lidia Senko, a deputy of the Brovary City Council, in a commentary to UNN.


According to her, renaming Brovary to Brovari will entail certain financial costs in any case. And these funds would be better spent on supporting the Armed Forces.

"I believe that it is not appropriate to rename today. If this is done, all companies will have to change their seals, and this requires money. Is it appropriate today to spend money on renaming instead of giving it to the guys in the Armed Forces? The war will end, victory will come, and then we will have a normal and peaceful life in which we can study the history of the city and make an informed decision.

We need time to study the issue, and not to spend so much money on the spur of the moment... And our guys are fighting today and need it," noted Lidiya Senko.

She added that a poll was conducted in the city and the majority of people were in favor of keeping the name Brovary.

"А де вони відкопали, що Броварі?": що мешканці Броварів думають про ініціативу перейменування міста (відео)01.07.24, 14:36


Mykola Zinchenko, a member of the Brovary City Council, said that the registration of a resolution in the Verkhovna Rada to rename Brovary to Brovari is not decommunization, but populism on the part of certain politicians to satisfy their dubious ambitions.

His colleague, MP Ihor Kravtsov, noted that the renaming would create additional difficulties for the heads of some municipal institutions and non-profit enterprises. Some medical workers may even be left without salaries.

Residents of Brovary are categorically against changing the name of their hometown: multiple European and world swimming champion Oleh Lisohor, future participant of the Olympic Games in Paris, wrestler Alina Hrushyna (Akobia).


A group of MPs led by a representative of the Voice faction, Roman Lozynskyi, registered a resolution in the Verkhovna Rada to rename Brovary to Brovari.

Local residents, with whom UNN spoke, do not support this idea. In particular, they do not understand where the name "Brovari" actually came from, which, moreover, does not sound very nice.

Brovary residents also say that MPs simply have nothing to do. And such controversial decisions are definitely not the right time. In addition, renaming the city will entail additional financial costs.

Zakhar Podkidyshev



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