
Reforming the system of food procurement for the military: an expert on how hundreds of items hide abuses

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Andriy Borovyk emphasized that a soldier should be well-fed, as service involves a lot of physical exertion. Proper nutrition with a balanced amount of calories in accordance with physical activity should be a priority.

Tenders that include hundreds of items and positions are difficult to monitor for abuse. This was stated by Andriy Borovyk, Executive Director of Transparency International Ukraine, in a commentary to UNN, commenting on the need to reform the system of procurement and supply of food to the military, as well as the first steps of the Ministry of Defense in this direction.

The expert gave an example of control over procurement in the construction sector.

"Let me give you an example of construction projects. Why is it so difficult to monitor and detect price gouging? One of the reasons is that there are thousands of items, and 900 of them may be at a normal price, 80 may be 10% overpriced, and the remaining 20 items may be three or four times higher than the price of concrete. This is how it is poured. Of course, when there are fewer items, it is easier to control and monitor," Borovyk said, commenting on the initiative to divide 407 items from the military food catalog into 35 categories.

He noted that, indeed, in our situation, when resources are limited, the military often do not see red fish or sturgeon, which are also included in the catalog.

"Especially with our limited resources, what kind of red fish and sturgeon can we talk about? Although I do not exclude that nutritionists will say that it would be good. Good, but not for the army of millions and everyone, but in certain cases," Borovyk added.

He emphasized that soldiers should be fed, because service involves great physical exertion. The priority should be proper nutrition with a balanced amount of calories in accordance with physical activity.

"If the reform is good, it must be implemented. And we will succeed. The only question is when," the expert said.

To recap

Arsen Zhumadilov, Director General of the State Logistics Operator, said that he would divide the 407 items in the military food catalog into approximately 30-35 categories, each of which will have separate contracts and procedures.

"The price per unit of each product will be available to the public so that it understands exactly what price an egg, apple, potato, meat, etc. is purchased at," Zhumadilov assured.

According to the director general of the State Logistics Operator, the service component, i.e. a set of logistics services, will be purchased separately.

SEE ALSO: Military on reforming the food system in the army: the main thing is to remove the monopoly and not to fill the caloric content of the soldier's diet with low-quality products

Antonina Tumanova



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