
Rains and wind with night frosts and up to 22° during the day: weather forecasters gave a forecast for the coming days

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Tomorrow, in some regions, light short-term rain is expected, with wind gusts of 15-20 m/s, daytime temperatures from 2 to 21°C, and in the following days - light rain in some regions with temperatures of 0-22°C.

In Ukraine, light rains are expected in some places in the coming days, sometimes strong winds, the temperature at night may drop to 2 degrees below zero, and during the day it will reach 22 degrees, the Ukrainian Weather Center told UNN.


According to weather forecasters, tomorrow, April 4, there will be light short-term rain in the western, northern and eastern regions, with no precipitation in the rest of the country; wind gusts of 15-20 m/s at night in the northern regions, and 15-20 m/s in the northeastern and eastern regions; temperature at night 2-7° C, 13-18° C during the day, up to 21° C in the south and east, and 7-12° C in the north.

On April 5, in some places on the Right Bank, on April 6 in the afternoon in the northwestern, northern and central regions there will be light rain, in the rest of the country there will be no precipitation; temperature at night 1-8° C, on Friday in the north, on Saturday in the east of the country 0-2° C, during the day 12-19° C, on April 6 in the western regions up to 22°.

Weather in the capital region

In the Kyiv region tomorrow night in some places there will be light short-term rain, no precipitation during the day. The wind will be mostly northwest, 7-12 m/s, gusts of 15-20 m/s at night. The temperature at night will be 4-7° Celsius, during the day 8-11°.

Julia Shramko



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