
Poll: Trump leads Biden in potential 2024 showdown

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A Wall Street Journal poll shows that 47% of Americans prefer Trump to Biden (43%) in the 2024 election, with Trump also leading among those who would vote immediately - 37% to 31%.

A new poll on the political preferences of Americans showed that former US President Donald Trump is ahead of the current the current owner of the White House, Joe Biden. This is reported by The Hill, according to UNN.


A poll conducted by The Wall Street Journal, showed that 37% of Americans approve of Biden's job performance as president, while 61% think otherwise.

When asked who they would vote for in the elections in November 2024, 47% of respondents named Trump, 43% said they would would support Biden.

At the same time, 37% of respondents said they would vote for Trump if the election were held today, 31% preferred Biden.


In addition, 49% of respondents said that Trump's policies policies have helped them personally, while 37% of respondents believe they have hurt them. And vice versa, 53% of Americans said that Biden's policies have harmed them personally, while 23% of respondents 23% of respondents felt that it had helped them.

The Wall Street Journal poll was conducted from November 29 to December 4. November to December 4, with 1,500 respondents. The margin of error was 2.5 percentage points.

To recap

The US presidential election is scheduled for November 5 and will be the 60th US presidential election. Many experts believe that the main candidates for the US presidency are Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

As reported by UNN, protest groups in the United States of America, which are organizing actions against the election of billionaire Republican Donald Trump as president, announced their unification in an alliance called "Not My President".  

Lilia Podolyak



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