
Police expose large-scale call centre in Odesa region that extorted money from citizens of different countries

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Police in Odesa region have arrested the head and 15 members of a call center that was cheating Ukrainians and foreigners out of their money. The fraudsters tricked victims into installing software that allowed them to access their bank accounts.

National Police of Ukraine Police exposed and detained in Odesa region the organizer of a fraudulent group and 15 accomplices who were extorting money from citizens of Ukraine and other countries through a call center. This is reported by UNN with reference to the press service of the Main Department of the National Police of Ukraine in Odesa region.

In Odesa region, the organizer and 15 members of a fraudulent call center who extorted up to $200,000 a month from people were detained. (...) The members of the fraudulent organized criminal group took possession of the money of citizens of Ukraine, Moldova, Poland, Spain, Czech Republic, Italy, the United States, and the United Arab Emirates, which was kept in the victims' bank accounts

, the report says.

According to law enforcement officials, the organizer of the scams is a native of Georgia who has been repeatedly convictions and, as indicated, has strong ties to one of the "thieves in law."

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It is noted that in the course of the call center's activity, the scammers persuaded people to provide their data, explaining that it was necessary to "secure the phone or computer and install 'protection'". The investigation found that it was actually a program that allowed call center employees to call center employees to see in real time all the manipulations performed by victims.

To conceal and cover up the criminal activity the offenders organized a change of call center addresses, constant surveillance of the environment and a security service with access to the the premises.

The operatives have been documenting the criminals since February 2023, and during the searches, law enforcement officers seized 65 units of computer,  equipment, nine vehicles, funds in the amount of 38,800 USD and UAH 12,000, and other material evidence.

SEE ALSO: Abroad for Abroad for 8 thousand: another scheme of fugitives' escape from Ukraine

Ihor Telezhnikov

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