
Ombudsman reports on privileged conditions for ex-Ministry of Justice officials in Chernihiv region colony

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In the Menska colony in Chernihiv region, special conditions were found for former high-ranking officials of the SPS. They have been renovated and allocated separate rooms, unlike other prisoners who are kept in unsanitary conditions.

The Ombudsman's Office found  numerous human rights violations in the Menska colony in Chernihiv region. However, he drew attention to special requirements for former high-ranking officials of the Department of the State Criminal Executive Service. They have been renovated and allocated separate premises, unlike other prisoners. The Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights, Dmytro Lubinets, filed statements with the Ministry of Justice and law enforcement agencies, UNN reported.

Lubinets posted on Telegram that the Ombudsman's Office had conducted a monitoring visit to the Mena Penal Colony #91 in Chernihiv Oblast. We found numerous human rights violations there: unsanitary conditions, fungus and cockroaches.

At the same time, he said, there is an exception - three privileged individuals live in proper conditions and are isolated from the public. These are the former head of one of the criminal penitentiary departments of the Ministry of Justice and two of his supporters.

Good conditions were created for them upon their arrival to the institution: only these persons were renovated in 2024, despite the humiliating conditions in other departments of the colony. Moreover, they have as many as five rooms of the social and psychological service department No. 7 at their disposal. When there are more than 370 people in the colony!!! These people also have their own walking yard, and food is served to their rooms. The question arises: why do these people have such "recreational" conditions?

- the Ombudsman wrote.

Lubinets also said that he had already appealed to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, which "did not see anything strange in this." After that, he sent another letter to them, and also separately appealed to law enforcement.

На Прикарпатті посадовець виправної колонії катував та принижував засуджених - ДБР27.06.24, 14:35

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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