
Occupants in Luhansk region are waiting for a "waiver" for enhanced forced mobilization - RMA

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In the occupied territories of Luhansk region, the occupiers are waiting for a "pushback" to start intensified forced mobilization and restrict entry to Russia for men.

In the occupied territories of Luhansk region, the invaders are waiting for a "pushback" to start intensified forced mobilization - men from the TOT of Luhansk region are planned to be restricted from entering Russia, the Luhansk Regional Military Administration reported on Wednesday, UNN reports.


"The so-called "luhansk people's republic" is waiting for a "nod" from above to start intensified forced mobilization. The elections are over - no votes are needed for the next few years. Those who have received Russian passports will be subject to conscription. They are going to be restricted from traveling to the territory of the Russian Federation," the RMA posted on Facebook.

And those who have already crossed the Russian border but have not registered for military service there, according to the RMA, will face a significant fine. "To begin with, the amount will be 200 thousand rubles," the RMA said.

At the same time, according to the RMA, the enemy has increased its air and artillery influence.

"Ground pressure on Bilohorivka has also intensified, where our troops repelled several enemy attacks. The invaders attacked there with the support of aviation. They also attacked the territory of Serebryany forest. Compared to the last few days, the presence of Russian aviation has significantly increased in our area of responsibility," said the head of Luhansk region Artem Lysohor.

As indicated, Bilohorivka, Nevske and the surrounding settlements came under mortar and artillery fire. At least 87 attempts of shelling by Russians were recorded there.

На окупованій Луганщині не дотягнули 9,5% до рекордної "явки" на російських "виборах" - ОВА18.03.24, 08:58

Julia Shramko



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