
Occupants bring to Zaporizhzhia NPP people who worked on other types of reactors and are not capable of managing ZNPP - Kotin

 • 23657 переглядiв

Due to the difficult situation at ZNPP caused by the occupiers' actions, the plant's equipment continues to wear out. There are about 700 Ukrainian personnel left at the plant, and this number is constantly decreasing.

Incompetent actions of of the personnel brought to ZNPP by Rosatom lead to degradation of the equipment. This was stated by This was stated by the President of the Energoatom Company Petro Kotin during a telethon, according to a UNN correspondent.

ZNPP is in a in a serious condition due to the presence of invaders and incompetent of Rosatom's personnel. Our staff is about 700 people, and this number is constantly decreasing. number is constantly decreasing, because people work under great pressure, they are are forced to sign contracts with Rosatom, often they are simply forced to return They are replaced by Rosatom personnel. But these people are mostly come from RBMK reactors, which is a completely different type of reactor and they do not have competencies to operate our units

- said Peter Kotin.


He said that numerous cases of equipment degradation associated with incompetent actions of the staff. In particular, the flow of reagents from the first reactor circuit to the second.

He noted that currently only the IAEA is a reliable and official source of information about the events at ZNPP. According to him, the IAEA Board of Governors can influence the situation by adopts resolutions binding on all IAEA members. A month ago Ukraine joined this body, and it will use every opportunity to force Russia to return ZNPP to its legitimate operator, Energoatom.

SEE ALSO: At the At Zaporizhzhia NPP, the occupiers ordered to use a lubricant that could lead to to generator failure and radiation accident - Energoatom

Anastasia Ryabokon



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