
November 21: World Television Day, Day without Music

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Today, November 21, the United Nations celebrates World Television Day. The event was launched in honor of the World Television Forum held on November 21-22, 1996.

Today, on November 21, the United Nations celebrates World Television Day. The United Nations celebrates World Television Day, UNN reports.

The event was launched in honor of the World Television Forum, which took place on November 21-22, 1996.

On this day, the UN calls on states and television companies to exchange television programs that are dedicated to the problems of peace, social and economic development, security and the promotion of culture development, security and the popularization of culture. And in no case should they disseminate inhumane and intolerant materials.

Since 2005, many countries around the world have been holding various events on the occasion of the Day Without Music. The founder was musician Bill Drummond was the founder.

The purpose of the event is to draw attention to the cheapening of music and its and its thoughtless use in modern society.

According to Drummond, the modern perception of music has changed, making it ubiquitous and sometimes even not perceived as music. So, today is a great opportunity for everyone to think about what music to listen to and and what music to avoid.

Today is also the day to celebrate World Fisheries Day. of Fisheries. The event was launched to promote sustainable fishing and the need to preserve and increase fishing and the need to preserve and increase fish stocks in various water bodies.

On November 21, events dedicated to the European Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Day, a rare genetic disease that affects the lungs, pancreas and other organs. It affects the cells that that produce mucus, sweat, and digestive juices, causing these fluids to become thick and sticky. This can lead to blockages, infections and damage in the affected organs, especially the lungs. organs, especially the lungs.

According to statistics, in Europe, one child in 3000 thousand may born with cystic fibrosis.

Worldwide, about 70 thousand people suffer from this disease.

According to the New Julian church calendar, today is the Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (the Third Virgin).

According to tradition, the couple Joachim and Anna suffered greatly because they had no children, and people despised them for their childlessness. It got to the point to the point that once Joachim was even forbidden to make a sacrifice.

Saddened, Joachim went into the desert, where he prayed constantly and and vowed to give his unborn child to the Lord. The archangel Gabriel appeared to him and Anna. the archangel Gabriel, who told him that they would have a daughter and ordered him to name her Mary.

When Mary was three years old, she was sent to the Jerusalem temple. There she met the father of John the Baptist, Zechariah.

Mary lived in the Jerusalem temple until she was 14 years old. Later on. thanks to a sign in the form of a staff that blossomed, a widower Joseph Obruch was chosen as her husband. Joseph the Betrothed was chosen as her husband.

According to the Julian calendar, today is the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel. Michael, the head of God's army of angels and archangels.

In the Christian tradition, it is believed that St. Michael Michael overthrew the rebellious fallen angel Lucifer from heaven, and he became the devil.

The feast of the Cathedral of the Archangel Michael was established in the  fourth century at the Council of Laodicea.

Mary, Michael, and Alexander celebrate their name days on November 21.

Zakhar Podkidyshev

UNN Lite


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    November 21: World Television Day, Day without Music

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