
"Next week, Okhmatdyt will select a construction company to eliminate the consequences of the Russian Federation's strike

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Early next week, Okhmatdyt plans to select a construction company to eliminate all the consequences of the Russian terrorist attack, using more than 800 million hryvnias donated by philanthropists and state funds to restore the damaged building, equipment and construct a new building.

"Early next week, Okhmatdyt plans to select a construction company to eliminate all the consequences of the terrorist attack in Russia. More than UAH 800 million has been donated by philanthropists. Together with the state funds, this resource  will be used to eliminate the consequences of the attack in the first building. In particular, it will be spent on the equipment that was damaged.

This was reported by Health Minister Viktor Lyashko during a briefing, according to a UNN correspondent .

We are waiting for the completion of the defective act, which will tell us what the cost of construction should be in order to remove all the problems after the terrorist attack. On Monday or Tuesday, early next week, Okhmatdyt will select a company that will carry out construction work to eliminate all the consequences of the terrorist attack, and then we will know the cost of restoring the new building and its duration

- Lyashko said.

According to him, several other processes are taking place on the territory in parallel, including assessing the consequences of the destruction of objects included in the cultural heritage, as well as working on the damage to other buildings. The Ministry of Health noted that after these surveys are completed, it will be possible to start designing a new building on the site of the destroyed and critically damaged buildings. Experts are already preparing a medical task that precedes the design work.

"The resource we received, which is already more than 800 million from all partners, has been transferred to the accounts of charitable foundations and to the charitable account of Okhmatdyt. (It - ed.), together with state funds, will be sent to eliminate the consequences of the terrorist attack in the first building. It will also be used to repair the damaged equipment, and then these funds will be used to design and build a new building. The state will finance what will be missing," Lyashko said.

Як виглядає "Охматдит" після атаки рф: показали світлини08.07.24, 12:42

In addition, he said that Okhmatdyt needs about UAH 400 million just to provide equipment.

The list of priority equipment includes more than 55 items (242 units in total) with an estimated value of UAH 400 million. We receive many offers from manufacturers and philanthropists to supply it, so we will coordinate this process with Okhmatdyt to make it more efficient and meet the hospital's needs. The equipment will be delivered to the children's hospital when the newest building is completed

- Lyashko said.

Summarizing, Lyashko added that three areas have been identified in which the funds raised through donations and allocated by the government will be used.

"Our priorities are to restore the damaged premises, create opportunities to provide critical medical services and build a new building to replace the destroyed and damaged emergency buildings," the minister said.

The Health Ministry recalled that on 8 July 2024, Russian terrorists hit the Okhmatdet children's hospital with a missile, which resulted in significant damage to the buildings of the medical facility and human casualties.

Five buildings were damaged, including the newest one; one building, the toxicology building with the chronic and acute intoxication department, collapsed completely. In the old surgical building almost all windows were broken out, two surgical and two somatic, intensive care and surgical departments were badly damaged.

In the new, recently erected building, 12 departments were damaged, including 8 surgical, 5 oncological, two intensive care units, an operating theatre, a radiology and radiation therapy department. The country's only onco-haematology laboratory was also partially damaged.

Атака на "Охматдит": помер маленький хлопчик, який на момент ракетного удару знаходився у реанімації10.07.24, 18:49

Anna Murashko



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