
NATO Military Committee Chairman Bauer: "President Putin has not achieved any of his strategic goals"

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Russia's war against Ukraine has not achieved any of Putin's strategic goals, as Ukraine is fighting for democracy and civilization itself, fundamentally changing modern warfare.

Russia's war has never been about a real security threat posed by Ukraine or NATO. russia attacked Ukraine because President Vladimir Putin is afraid of democracy. However, the Russian army has not achieved any of its strategic goals. This was stated by the Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, Admiral Robert Bauer, at the 16th annual Kyiv Security Forum, UNN reports citing the NATO press service. 


In his speech, he noted that this visit by the NATO military delegation is the first since the large-scale invasion. It shows that NATO and Ukraine are closer than ever. 

Together, we are doing everything we can to ensure that Ukraine becomes a member of our Alliance. The Swedish flag will not be the only blue and yellow flag at NATO Headquarters. 

The Admiral emphasized that Russia's war against Ukraine has never been about a real security threat posed by Ukraine or NATO. According to him, the war is due to the fact that "President Putin is afraid of something much more powerful than any physical weapon on earth: democracy."

Столтенберг: ситуація на фронті складна, союзники НАТО забезпечують 99 відсотків військової допомоги України18.03.24, 17:36

He also added that no amount of Russian propaganda can hide the truth that "President Putin has not achieved any of his strategic goals." 

"The Russian troops have no idea what they are fighting for...", - Bauer said. 

Instead, Ukraine is fighting "for civilization itself.

"The Ukrainian people and the Ukrainian armed forces are doing this in a way we have never seen before.   You have fundamentally changed many aspects of modern warfare," Bauer concluded. 

Ракетна атака на Київ: Кулеба закликав Конгрес США розблокувати допомогу Україні21.03.24, 10:39

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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