
More than 110 thousand consumers in Poltava region are without power supply, restoration works are underway - OVA

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More than 110,000 consumers in Poltava region are without power due to a massive Russian attack, and restoration work is underway to balance the power grid.

Due to a massive attack by Russia, more than 104,000 residential and 6,700 legal consumers in Poltava region are without power. According to Philip Pronin, head of the Poltava regional power distribution company, these are preventive outages to balance the power system, UNN reports .

Currently, more than 104,000 household consumers and 6,700 legal entities are without power in the region. In fact, these are preventive outages to balance the power system. We are keeping calm. Specialists are carrying out restoration work.

 ," says Philip Pronin, head of the Poltava Regional Military District.

As a result of the enemy's massive attack on Ukrainian energy facilities, preventive shutdowns of substations were applied in Poltava region and a schedule of emergency shutdowns was introduced. As UNN reported, power engineers are already working to restore power supply in Poltava region.

Kharkiv region was attacked by more than 15 enemy missiles, the regional center is temporarily without electricity. All specialized services are working, and the invincibility points have been deployed, said Oleh Syniehubov, head of the OVA. 

По Запоріжжю вночі ворог випустив близько 20 ракет: є загиблий, попередньо, вісім поранених22.03.24, 09:32


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