
More children will be able to get free vouchers to Artek

 • 29848 переглядiв

Three new categories of children eligible for free vouchers to the Artek summer camp have been added: children of combatants, including volunteers, children who lost their parents defending Ukraine, and children of internally displaced persons.

This year, three more categories will be added to the list of categories eligible for a free trip to Artek. This was reported by the Ministry of Social Policy, UNN writes.

Three new categories were added to the list of groups in need of special social support:

● Children of combatants, including children of volunteers;

● Children who lost their parents who were defenders of Ukraine;

● IDP children receiving assistance for internally displaced persons.

Free vouchers will also be provided:

● orphans and children deprived of parental care;

● The children of foster parents or adoptive parents;

● Children from low-income families;

● children whose parents were killed, went missing or died of injuries in the ATO zone, combat zone, etc.


The Verkhovna Rada Committee on Social Policy and Protection of Veterans' Rights promises to replace outdated benefits for veterans with new demand-driven public services to better meet individual needs.

Парламент посилив соціальний захист військовослужбовців та поліцейських21.03.24, 11:47


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