
Macron declares readiness for confrontation with Russia

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French President Emmanuel Macron declared France's readiness to confront Russia if it continues to escalate the situation, ensuring that Russia will never win by supporting Ukraine's sovereignty and internationally recognized borders.

French President Emmanuel Macron said in an interview that his country is ready to respond to a possible escalation on the part of Russia and "make decisions that ensure that it does not win," France 2 TV channel reports, according to UNN.


Today is a time of resistance for us. Now is the right time to say that if Russia continues to escalate, if the situation worsens, we must be ready - and we will be ready to take decisions that will ensure that Russia never wins... We will do everything to achieve our goal

Macron said.

At the same time, he noted that "France is not at war with Russia and the Russian people" and supports Ukraine.

There will be no long-term peace unless there is Ukrainian sovereignty and a return to internationally recognized borders. Ukrainians must determine its terms. And peace does not mean Ukraine's surrender

He added.

At the same time, he noted that France, as a nuclear power, should not be involved in escalation.

First and foremost, our nuclear arsenal ensures the security of the French. But it also gives us a responsibility to never resort to verbal or military escalation

Macron said

Макрон: Європа повинна бути готова до війни, якщо вона хоче миру14.03.24, 23:58


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