
Lithuanian-Polish military exercises on the defense of the Suwalki Isthmus start

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Joint Lithuanian-Polish military exercises Brave Griffin 24/II began on April 21 to practice a scenario for the defense of the Isthmus of Suwalki, involving 1,500 Lithuanian servicemen, American and Portuguese troops.

On Sunday, April 21, joint Lithuanian-Polish military exercises Brave Griffin 24/II began. This was reported by the Lithuanian Armed Forces, UNN reports.

Details  [1

The Polish-Lithuanian military exercises will last a week and will begin on Sunday near Druskininkai, Alytus and Orania in Lithuania.

The main goal is to test a defense scenario based on the Polish-Lithuanian Orsha Plan on the Isthmus of Suwalki.

The US and Portuguese military are also taking part in the exercise.

The Lithuanian Armed Forces reported that they had sent 1,500 troops and nearly 200 pieces of military equipment to the exercise. Next week, Andrzej Duda and Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda will observe the maneuvers.

Українські кораблі "Черкаси" і "Чернігів" візьмуть участь у міжнародних навчаннях "Сі Бриз-2024" в Британії12.04.24, 13:31


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