
Kuleba: EU will approve decision to allocate 50 billion euros for Ukraine without Hungary

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Ukraine is expected to receive 50 billion euros from the EU, despite Hungary's position that it is trying to maintain unity or continue without Hungary.

Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba is convinced that the EU countries will decide to allocate 50 billion euros to Ukraine in any case, even if Hungary is against it. Dmytro Kuleba said this during a telethon, UNN reports.


Kuleba noted that the decision to allocate 50 billion euros for Ukraine was postponed until early next year not because of Hungary's veto, but because 26 EU countries are giving Hungary time to agree on joining the allocation of funds.

Because they (the EU - ed.) do not want to have a situation where a decision is constantly made without one country. There will be a decision that Ukraine will receive this money. There is only one question left: either 27 countries will do it together - all EU members including Hungary, and Hungary was given a month to hold additional negotiations - or this money will be allocated by 26 EU countries without Hungary

- the minister added.

Kuleba emphasized that this is a matter of unity of the bloc and the countries are making every effort to preserve it. But if they fail, the money will still be allocated.


In mid-December, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban announced that he had vetoed a €50 billion multi-year aid package for Ukraine. At the same time, the European Union is expected to hold a summit on February 1 to discuss its multi-year budget, including the €50 billion funding for Ukraine.

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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