
Israeli military expands ground operation in southern Gaza Strip

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The Israeli military expanded its operations into southern Gaza, targeting Hamas commanders, and IDF Chief Halevi promised the same impact as in the north.

Israeli military begins operations in southern Gaza Strip Gaza, while ground operations continue in the northern part, said IDF Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Gertzi Halevi, The Times of Israel reports, UNN reports.

"Yesterday and today we killed battalion commanders, company commanders and many Hamas militants. And yesterday morning we started the same thing in the the southern Gaza Strip. This will be no less powerful than the operations in the northern Gaza. It will bring no less results

he said.

According to Khalevi, Hamas commanders will meet the IDF everywhere.

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We have the capacity to do this thoroughly, and just as we did in the north of the Gaza Strip in a powerful and thorough manner. We are doing it now in the southern Gaza Strip, and we are also continuing to deepen the gains in northern Gaza

he added.

Lilia Podolyak



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