
Indonesian Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto wins presidential election: opposition accuses him of human rights violations

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Prabowo Subianto, a former general and defence minister, won the Indonesian presidential election with 58.6 per cent of the vote, receiving 96 million votes. Opponents accused him and incumbent President Joko Widodo of election fraud and nepotism.

The former general Prabovo Subianto received an overwhelming majority of votes - 96 million, compared to 41 million for Anies Baswedan and 27 million for Ganjar Pranovo. Despite the strong support for Subianto, after the vote, there were protests by opponents who accused the ex-general, as well as the current incumbent President Joko Widodo, of election fraud and nepotism. This was reported by UNN with reference to ORF and Le Monde.


The 72-year-old former general won 58.6% of the vote against his two rivals, Anies Baswedan (24.9%) and Ganjar Pranowo (16%), who have already announced their intention to appeal the result. A total of 96 million voters cast ballots for the Indonesian Defense Minister  . According to the information announced by Hasim Asiari, the chairman of the election commission, Subianto's closest rival, Anies Baswedana, received 41 million votes.

Prabowo Subianto had already declared himself the winner on the evening of election day in mid-February. Despite the fact that he has many supporters, especially among the young population of the island nation, the election was followed by repeated protests by opponents who accused him and the current incumbent President Joko Widodo, known as Jokowi, of election fraud and nepotism (giving positions to relatives or acquaintances regardless of their professional abilities - ed.)

The previous defense minister and former military commander, Prabowo, has been linked to human rights abuses, ORF writes. Between 1967 and 1998, the island nation suffered under the brutal dictator Suharto. Under him, Prabowo, then Suharto's son-in-law, was an influential generalin the military.


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