
In the US, a former police officer convicted of killing a black man was wounded in prison

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Derek Chauvin, convicted of the murder of George Floyd, was stabbed in prison; his health condition is not disclosed for confidentiality reasons.

Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, who was convicted of the murder of George Floyd, was stabbed in prison. This was reported by AR, reports UNN.


Information about Derek Chauvin's injury was confirmed by the Bureau of Prisons and noted that staff took "life-saving measures" before the inmate was taken to a hospital for further treatment and examination. The Bureau did not provide the medical status "for reasons of confidentiality and security."

However, recently, some media outlets unconfirmed reports of the former police officer's death have recently appeared in some media outlets. police officer's death.


46-year-old Floyd, whom the police suspected of trying to pass counterfeit money, died in May 2020 in a hospital. in May 2020 in a hospital. He was taken there after Chauvin pressed on him for more than nine minutes during the "detention" for more than nine minutes with his knee on his neck. The murder was captured on video and later sparked a wave of protests against racism and police brutality around the around the world. 

Derek Chauvin, a former Minneapolis police officer, was found guilty of the murder of George Floyd, a black American, in the line of duty. 

SEE ALSO: Tesla ordered to pay former employee $3.2 million for racism

Anna Onishchenko



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