
In the first quarter of 2024, the State Customs Service and the Tax Service transferred UAH 538.3 billion to the budgets of all levels

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In Q1, the State Budget of Ukraine paid UAH 136.8 billion in customs duties, while the Tax Service transferred UAH 401.5 billion to the consolidated budget.

From January to March, the State Customs Service transferred UAH 136.8 billion to the budget, and the Tax Service transferred UAH 401.5 billion to the consolidated budget. UNN writes about this according to the Tax and Customs Service.


In the period from January to March 2024, UAH 136.8 billion of customs duties were paid to the State Budget of Ukraine. This exceeds the expected revenues to the state treasury by 106.3%. Compared to the same period in 2023, actual budget revenues increased by 35.6%, amounting to UAH 35.9 billion.

In March alone, UAH 49.7 billion of customs duties were paid to the state budget.

As for the Tax Service, in the first quarter of this year, it paid UAH 303.7 billion to the state budget and almost UAH 97.8 billion to local budgets.

At the same time, the balance of the general fund of the state budget in January-March 2024 amounted to UAH 280 billion. UAH 32.7 billion of VAT was refunded to taxpayers' accounts.

Thus, for the first quarter, the total revenues from the Tax and Customs Services to the state and local budgets amounted to UAH 538.3 billion


According to the latest estimates by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, in March 2024, the general fund of the state budget received UAH 158.1 billion in taxes, fees, and mandatory payments.

Мінфін: видатки держбюджету у лютому становили понад 270 млрд грн 19.03.24, 14:00

Iryna Kolesnik



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