
In russia's tyumen region, all residents of the town of Ishim will be evacuated due to flooding

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The city of Ishim, which is home to 67,000 people, was evacuated due to a critical rise in the river in russia.

Authorities of the tyumen region of russia urged residents of the city of Ishim urgently evacuate due to a critical rise in the water level in the river. This is reported by the BBC, reports UNN.


About 67,000 people live in the town of sshim in the tyumen region of russia, which is located on the bank of the river of the same name. The residents received a message about the urgent evacuation in the morning.

"Pack your valuables. Immediately leave for a safe place - to relatives or temporary accommodation centers", - such an appeal to residents was distributed by the regional authorities.

Evacuation is also being carried out in neighboring settlements of the kazan district.

The level of the Tobol River near the town of kurgan continues to rise. According to the authorities, it has reached 742 centimeters, while "unfavorable phenomena" in the city come at a water level of 700 centimeters, and dangerous - at 850 centimeters.

According to the local Emergency Situations Ministry, about 1,000 houses were flooded in the region due to the flood.


Due to the overflow of a private reservoir on the border with Kazakhstan, the russian city of Orsk is again under the threat of flooding - residents are being urged to evacuate to temporary accommodation centers.

"Самое большое бедствие за 80 лет": масштабные паводки в Казахстане не отступают11.04.2024, 17:49

Anastasia Ryabokon

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