
In Berdiansk, the occupiers do not give the parents the bodies of the murdered teenagers - Tigran Ohannisyan and Nikita Khanganov

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The occupiers are probably concealing the murders of two Ukrainian teenagers in Berdiansk, so they are not returning their bodies to their parents.

Where are the of the bodies of Ukrainian teenagers killed by Russian security forces six months ago is still unknown. A possible reason for this may be "an intention to conceal a premeditated murder." This was reported by This was reported by Radio Liberty and transmitted by UNN.


According to the lawyer of the Andriy Yakovlev, a lawyer for the Oganisyan family, the bodies of the murdered boys have not yet been handed over to their parents. It is not known where the bodies of the Ukrainians are and in what conditions they are kept or stored.

We can assume that they are still in the morgue in Berdiansk. However, we cannot prove it. 

- notes Yakovlev.

He also adds, that the occupation representatives may think that by not returning the bodies of the killed boys, they will somehow solve this case in a way that is convenient for them. That is, there may be an "intention to to conceal the premeditated murder," rather than a formal reason - the examination and the case opened by Russian investigators against the Ukrainian boys.

When there is a shot in the head at close range and, let's say, in the heart, and not just one... When everyone sees the body, this is evidence of a crime, a war crime

- emphasizes the lawyer.

Ворог на ТОТ розгортає мережу додаткових шпиталів у цивільних об’єктах - ЦНС27.12.23, 15:11

As noted, the funeral of the was already planned. The day of the funeral was announced and the church was named where where the dead boys could say goodbye. However, the ceremony was canceled.

There was a date for the funeral, there were graves, the funeral service was being prepared. The father (of the murdered Nikita Khanganov - ed.) was allowed to identify (the bodies - ed.). And after that, no one had access to the bodies. The church, when they were told that it was allegedly a suicide, they agreed with this without checking anything

- said Andriy Yakovlev.

The families of the victims have not received death certificates. The state of uncertainty has been going on for so long that the parents no longer understand why the bodies are not being returned to them. Also, as the publication points out, the the relatives of the boys are under pressure in the occupation. They refuse to talk to the with the press.

Серед загиблих на "Новочеркаську" є строковики - росЗМІ27.12.23, 15:50


In the Russian-occupied Berdiansk, in the summer of 2023, the occupiers accused of terrorism and killed two teenagers: 16-year-old Tigran Ohanesyan and Nikita Khanganov.

It was reported that the bodies of Tigran Hovhannisyan and Nikita Khanganov, killed by the occupiers, were allegedly transported to Melitopol for examination.

The Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets, the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights, interpreted the murder of two of two underage boys in Berdiansk as an extrajudicial execution.

Ihor Telezhnikov



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