
G7 Foreign Ministers call on Russia to stop using the Crocus tragedy for disinformation attacks against Ukraine

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The Group of Seven foreign ministers called on Russia to stop using the March 22 terrorist attack on Crocus City Hall near Moscow for its disinformation attacks against Ukraine, rejecting Russia's baseless attempts to blame Kyiv.

 The foreign ministers of the Group of Seven countries call on Russia to stop using the March 22 terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall near Moscow for its disinformation attacks against Ukraine. This is stated in a joint communiqué after the ministerial meeting on April 19, UNN reports

We strongly reject the baseless attempts by the Russian authorities to blame Ukraine for the tragic terrorist attack near Moscow on March 22, for which ISIS claimed responsibility. We call on Russia to stop using this tragedy in its disinformation attacks against Ukraine

The communiqué reads. 

As noted, the G7 remains steadfast in the fight against terrorism. This is evidenced by the fact that "several countries continue to exchange information with Russia on this issue".


An attack on a concert hall in a Moscow suburb on March 22 killed at least 144 people. Militants from an affiliate of the Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attack, but Russian President Vladimir Putin, without providing evidence, tried to blame Ukraine.

У ЦПД заявили, що росія поширює фейки про атаку на ЗАЕС та теракт у "крокусі", аби звинуватити Україну в тероризмі08.04.24, 15:13

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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