
Funding for universities will depend on the number of state-funded students - Ministry of Education

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The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has restored the formulaic principle in the distribution of budget funding among higher education institutions. It will depend on 5 criteria, the main of which will be the number of students enrolled in state-funded education. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Education, UNN reports .


It is noted that the formulaic principle of funding stipulates that the amount of state funds allocated to each university will be determined based on several criteria that the educational institution must meet.

The first and key criterion is the number of students, i.e. the total number of applicants who have chosen to study at a particular state-funded institution. According to Deputy Minister of Education and Science Mykhailo Vynnytsky, this will help to increase the targeting of budget funds.

In this way, we are taking a step towards realizing an important principle of management in the higher education system - "money follows the student". That is, state funding does not depend on how much a particular university could potentially provide, but on the actual number of students who have chosen this particular university and won the right to study at the expense of the state budget,

- Vynnytsky notes.

According to him, this model will help to increase the targeting of public funds.

The formula will also take into account scientific practice or activity, i.e. the amount of money that a higher education institution has earned from providing scientific, technical, consulting services or received in the form of grants for scientific research.

The third component of the formula will be an indicator of internationalization, i.e., a place in international rankings or participation in European Erasmus+ projects.

Another important component of the formula will be the employment rate, i.e. the percentage of graduates who are employed according to the Pension Fund.

In addition, the formula will include a regional coefficient to support educational institutions in the most vulnerable regions, which are currently near the frontline.


The Cabinet of Ministers approved a draft decree on the resumption of 77 annual presidential grants for young scientists and 20 grants for doctors of science to support their research. The competitive selection of research projects for young scientists will resume in 2025, and for PhDs in 2026.

Olga Rozgon



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