
Friction is growing between Texas and the White House over the border with Mexico and action on immigrants

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The U.S. Border Patrol is in turmoil, writes The Wall Street Journalas courts debate Texas' right to arrest and deport immigrants: The Supreme Court has authorized Texas to begin arresting and deporting non-citizens on its own, but another U.S. court is blocking such efforts, reports UNN.


The fast-moving situation has emerged thanks to a legal showdown between Texas and the Biden administration, which argues that states can't interfere with the federal government across the border.

The Supreme Court has refused to block a Texas law known as SB 4, which makes illegal border crossing a state crime and allows state officials to make arrests and deportations. The law was put on hold as the Supreme Court considered a request from the federal government to stay its implementation while it was being litigated. The law was challenged by the Biden administration and immigrant rights groups.

However, the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans issued a temporary order that allowed SB 4 to take effect.

The Supreme Court ruling, in which the justices split along ideological lines, is not a final decision on the constitutionality of the law. In the previous 24 hours, a Fifth Circuit panel voted 2-1 to issue a new order blocking the state from enforcing the law and scheduled a court hearing for Wednesday.

A state's enactment of its own immigration law that conflicts with federal policy can have immediate and widespread consequences at the border. Migrants who seek asylum from persecution have long had the right to remain in the U.S. at least temporarily - U.S. federal law prohibits summary deportation pending adjudication of their cases. The Texas law contains no such exceptions, raising the question of what rights, if any, migrants would have, The Wall Street Journal writes.

США останутся в НАТО, если европейские страны будут играть "честно" - Трамп19.03.2024, 23:29


Last December, Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott signed a law known as SB 4 into law, authorizing state law enforcement to arrest people suspected of entering the U.S. illegally, giving local police officers powers long delegated to the federal government.

Abbott said the law was necessary because of Biden's failure to enforce federal laws criminalizing illegal entry or re-entry.

White House spokeswoman Karyn Jean-Pierre said the Texas law would "sow chaos and confusion along our southern border.

In January 2024, the U.S. Department of Justice sued to block the law, which was originally scheduled to take effect on March 5. The administration said the law violates the U.S. Constitution and federal law because it interferes with the U.S. government's authority to regulate immigration.


Former U.S. President Donald Trump was unable to secure a $454 million bail for his appeal in the New York fraud case because no insurance company agreed to guarantee such a large sum.

Кулеба: шокирует, что решение о помощи от США еще не принято19.03.2024, 16:34

Ihor Telezhnikov

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