
For the crowd in rostov: the occupiers are preparing large-scale "excursions" for Ukrainian teenagers for the "may 9th holiday" in russia

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On the anniversary of the Second World War, Russia plans to engage Ukrainian teenagers in propaganda activities in Russia, using the Second World War as a basis for its propaganda to militarize the population and justify its neo-fascist policies.

To mark the anniversary of the end of World War II, the Kremlin plans to bring teenagers from Ukraine to Russia for propaganda events, UNN reports citing the Center for National Resistance.

According to the Center, Moscow uses World War II as an important foundation for its propaganda. Speculation on the tragedy allows Moscow to militarize its population and justify its neo-fascist policies.

З 1 вересня окупанти на ТОТ планують відкрити кадетські класи – Центр національного спротиву17.08.23, 12:03 • [views_549885]

"Every year, propaganda events are held in Russia, where the victory of the USSR is devalued every year, and the holiday itself changes its connotations in the spirit desired by the Kremlin. It is for such events that the occupiers are preparing to bring teenagers from the occupied territories. In particular, children from schools in southern Ukraine are planned to be taken to Rostov as extras," the statement said.


Earlier it became known that the enemy is going to hold another propaganda forum in Moscow, where teenagers from the temporarily occupied territories are going to gather. The forum is called "Keepers of History" and is usually dedicated to justifying the Kremlin's Nazi policy.

Antonina Tumanova



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