
Emotionality and irritability: horoscope for all zodiac signs for July 8 - 14

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This week will present many opportunities, but will also require us to remain calm and do not enter into conflicts. About what awaits representatives of different signs of the Zodiac from July 8 to 14, especially for readers UNN told professional astrologer Xenia Basilenko.

This week will be very contrasting in its manifestations. It is a waxing Moon, and it would seem to be a good time to start new things, but by the end of the week you need to be very careful because of the complexity of the aspects. The astrologer talks about this in more detail.

"On Monday and Tuesday, the Moon will give intense aspects to Mars and Uranus, so it is very important to control your emotionality, otherwise conflicts cannot be avoided.

The Sun and Venus will make trigons to Saturn these days, and this will give us the opportunity to make great strides, especially in financial matters, provided we rely on our logic and judgment.

Venus will enter the sign of Leo from July 11th, and our sensuality will manifest more vividly. This is a great indicator for all creative people. But Venus will form a hard opposition to Pluto, and so all of these qualities will manifest rather harshly. We can be selfish, not noticing other people's feelings. This will test relationships. Also, great difficulties may arise in financial matters," Basilenko said.

According to the astrologer, from July 11 and until the end of the week it is better to avoid plastic surgery.

The most dangerous aspect of the month begins this week, the conjunction of Mars and Uranus in Taurus. It peaks July 14 through July 17, which is next week, but its power will be felt now. Increased aggression, irritability, and accidents can lead to large-scale cataclysms, and of course this is likely to affect the course of events on the home front as well

- according to the astrologer.

Also the position of planets indicates scandals related to those in power, unexpected changes in power.

"This week we all need to carefully control our irascibility and irritability, exercise patience and pay close attention to our safety," says the astrologer.


This week you need to be attentive to your finances. On the one hand, good profits may come to you unexpectedly, but on the other hand, there may be unforeseen losses. No matter how much you earn, everything will be spent on household matters and helping loved ones. Family relations and domestic issues will still be at the forefront of your mind.

It is better to postpone meetings with relatives on the weekend and not to start discussing household issues - this may lead to conflicts.


The success of this week will depend entirely on you. Expect a lot of activity, a lot of communication, you can meet interesting people. Travel, business trips, a lot of learning are possible. In financial matters, expect great luck and good opportunities.

Be careful in the second half of the week - you may be overwhelmed by strong emotions, which will provoke major disputes and scandals. Control yourself.

Be careful in love relationships.


This week you will have a lot of good opportunities, especially in the financial sphere - there is a probability to get a profit or a bonus. But you should refrain from spending a lot and from financial investments.

You will also find it easy to work with any kind of information.

During the week you should control your inner state, because inside you will boil accumulated negative emotions, which at any moment can break out.


This week is the time to take everything into your own hands and rely only on yourself. All your endeavors and new projects will develop actively and successfully. Interesting offers will come to you, especially from the management. You will have a good opportunity for earnings. But refuse from loans and other debt obligations.

You should control your emotionality in order not to make mistakes in finances in the first half of the week, and in the second - not to get into conflict with loved ones.


This week you will feel more self-confidence, which will help you realize all your plans. Rely on logic and prudence.

At the beginning of the week your emotions may run high, because of this there may be conflict situations with your management. In the second half of the week you may make mistakes in financial matters, so be careful with money spending.

You'd better spend the weekend in solitude and tranquility.


The week will bring you a lot of opportunities and luck, especially in starting new projects. Implement your most unusual plans. You may feel the support of your team or collective.

In the middle of the week you will feel more irritability, you will find it difficult to control yourself. Try to avoid conflicts, otherwise they will have long-lasting consequences. By the end of the week, you should refuse long-distance trips and travel.


This week is favorable for any of your endeavors. Career growth and mutual understanding with the management awaits you. In financial matters, you should refuse loans and investments. Pay your taxes on time.

There will be a lot of emotions at the weekend, so to avoid serious conflict situations, try to spend the weekend in solitude and tranquility.


This week will bring a lot of luck in any of your endeavors, especially if they involve projects with foreigners and long-distance travel. There will be success in matters of study and public speaking. You may also get a great offer from your management. It is very important for you to avoid going for conflict situations, especially with your partners, both in business and marriage. Try to be more diplomatic, avoid sharp situations and then you will achieve real success.

Sunday is a dangerous day for you, so try to spend it secluded in peace.


This week can be very hectic and bring you a lot of changes of the most unexpected nature. But whatever these changes may be, try to stay calm and act as collected as possible.

You will be able to successfully close many complicated issues, especially legal ones. You will also have good luck with your finances.

But at work, there may be a strong tension in the relationship with the team. Avoid conflict.

Be mindful of your health.


This week you can be a great success if you are diplomatic and have a correct attitude towards people around you. This is a good time to find good partners for your business. Also all legal matters will be perfectly resolved.

In the middle of the week, a lot of luck may come to you unexpectedly, especially in love relationships.


This week is fortunate for realization of any of your plans and ideas, development of your activities.

It's also a good time to take care of your health, get checkups and preventive care.

But at home, the real passions may flare up. At the beginning of the week, beware of conflict situations in marriage, and by the end of the week, tension may affect everyone in the household. Try to avoid conflict and get along with your loved ones.


This week can bring you a lot of interesting events and good impressions. This is also a great period for you to have quality rest and gain strength, as from next week you will need to put a lot of effort for your work and home affairs. Try to spend more time with your loved ones and your children.

But you may become irritable and make mistakes in communication because of your irritability. In the second half of the week, you may feel your emotional irritation with particular force, so try to keep your privacy and calmness at the weekend.

Lilia Podolyak



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