
Emmanuel Macron promises a "year of determination" marked by the 2024 Olympics

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In his New Year's address, Macron promised a productive 2024, with a focus on the upcoming Olympic Games in Paris, amid heightened security due to possible terrorist threats and national unrest.

President of France French President Emmanuel Macron, during his New Year's address to the nation at the Elysee Palace in Paris, recalling the reforms carried out over the past year, said that the the 2024 Summer Olympics should bring effective results. This was reported by is reported by UNN with reference to CNews.

2024 should be "a year of determination, efficiency and results. In the coming weeks, I will have the opportunity to tell you how our nation will meet these challenges

- said the president of the republic during a 13-minute speech.

According to media reports, about 90,000 police and 5,000 soldiers were deployed during the were deployed to provide security and counter what the government called a "very high" terrorist threat.

Президент Тайваню закликала Китай прагнути до мирного співіснування01.01.24, 13:19

Inaction is not an option. Action is our duty to future generations. That is why I will tirelessly stand by those who act for the good of the country (...) And never by those who prefer pre-election calculations, petty agreements or their personal interests

- said the French leader.

Macron tried to to cheer up the French after a year marked by wars and crises abroad, as well as protests against unpopular pension reform and street violence after the police killed a teenager at a bus stop in Paris.

At the same time, more than 800 thousand people, according to the French Interior Ministry, went to the Champs Elysees to celebrate the new year in a massive Olympics-themed party: they watched a video show on the Arc de Triomphe honoring current and and past French sports stars before a midnight fireworks display that lasted 10 minutes.


In France, on the night of on January 1, law enforcement officers detained almost 400 offenders. In addition, hooligans burned down hooligans burned about eight hundred cars across the country. About this on his page on the social network X, said Interior Minister Gérald Darmanen on his Facebook page.

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