
Doubtful political points: how one party is trying to deprive Brovary residents of their votes

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The initiative of a group of MPs to rename Brovary to Brovari outraged the residents of this city. First of all, because the initiators of the renaming did not ask for their opinion. In addition, people do not understand at all why there is an urgent need to raise the issue of changing the name right now. And this raises suspicions that some of the initiators of this process put their dubious political ambitions first, rather than any conditional historical and philological justice, UNN writes.

Resolution No. 11364 on renaming Brovary to Brovari was registered in the Verkhovna Rada on June 21 this year by a group of deputies led by Roman Lozynsky, a representative of the Golos party.

Lozynsky himself is a native of Lviv and has nothing to do with Brovary, but for some reason he is very concerned about the name of Kyiv's satellite city.

And there would be at least some logic in his legislative initiative if this renaming took place as part of decommunization. But Brovary is not some kind of conditional Leninsk or Pervomaisk.  This is the historical name of the city. And everything rests on the plane of what letter should be at the end: "i" or "i". And there is no unanimous opinion among scholars on this issue.

Lozynskyi, other authors of the bill, and the relevant committee of the Verkhovna Rada are operating on the conclusions of the National Commission on State Language Standards and the Potebnya Institute of Linguistics, which state that Brovary should be renamed Brovari.

They are opposed by experts from the Institute of the Ukrainian Language and History of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences, who scientifically argue that changing the name of the city is inappropriate and inexpedient.

In this situation, it would be logical to wait for historians and linguists to come to a common denominator, then hold public hearings, involve the executive committee of the city council in the discussion, and only then, perhaps, introduce the issue of renaming to the session hall of the Verkhovna Rada.

In general, it is not the first time that representatives of the Voice  have surprised with their legislative proposals.

In particular, MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak recently proposed to remove from the draft law on rebooting the BES the provision prohibiting persons listed in the Corruption Register from being the head of the body.

In fact, the residents of Brovary themselves are well aware that in the third year of the war, someone decided to use them as a trivial publicity stunt.

Such initiatives are not timely! Today, if we have even the slightest opportunity to help the army, we must do everything to make it easier for our guys to fight and have something to fight with, rather than engage in nonsense and spend money on the dubious ambitions of some politicians. This is not decommunization, but populism

- Mykola Zinchenko, a deputy of the Brovary City Council, told UNN.

Moreover, as another city council member, director of the Brovary City Primary Health Care Center, Ihor Kravtsov, notes, Lozynsky and his colleagues did not think about the consequences of their hasty initiative.

"I'll tell you from the perspective of a manager. In  I have nine outpatient clinics and a consultation and diagnostic center. As a manager, I need to find a certain amount of money to redo all the seals, because it's not free. Secondly, I need to change the signs everywhere that says Brovary.

And I still need to apply for a change in the license conditions of the Ministry of Health. How long will it take? I mean, I have been working without a license for a certain period of time. And the contract with the NHSU? I have to terminate the contract with them for the package I have and renew it in Brovari. That is, I will be left without funding for a certain period of time. Did they (the initiators of the renaming - ed.) take this into account? That is, every month I will not have 6.5 million to pay doctors, and they will be without it for two months," Kravtsov said.

And most importantly, the residents of Brovary are outraged by the fact that a representative of the Golos party is trying to deprive them of their right to vote in a matter that is important to them. For some reason, the authors of the resolution did not think to ask people's opinion.

"А де вони відкопали, що Броварі?": що мешканці Броварів думають про ініціативу перейменування міста (відео)01.07.24, 14:36

And in vain. We would have learned a lot of interesting things. In particular, that the residents of Brovary openly ridicule  the proposed name of the city and do not accept it. That famous Brovary residents are against the renaming: multiple European and world swimming champion Oleh Lisohor, future participant of the Olympic Games in Paris, wrestler Alina Hrushyna (Akobia), former world professional boxing champion Yuriy Nuzhnenko, and many others.

This should have been enough to admit their mistake and withdraw the resolution and forget about it.

But some people really want to score at least one political point, even if it's a dubious one. And for the Golos party, changing the last letter in the name of a city is more than powerful..

Zakhar Podkidyshev



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