
Dnipropetrovs'k region: Russian army attacks Nikopol district with kamikaze drones and heavy artillery

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Russian occupants attacked Nikopol district using 13 kamikaze drones and heavy artillery, causing significant damage but no casualties.

The Russian invaders sent 13 kamikaze drones to Nikopol region and shelled the area twice with heavy artillery. These attacks caused numerous destructions, but there were no casualties. The situation in the region was described by the head of the Dnipropetrovs'k RMA Serhiy Lysak, according to UNN.

During the day, the enemy sent 13 kamikaze drones to Nikopol region. They shelled the area twice with heavy artillery. Nikopol, Marhanetska and Myrivska communities suffered. ... People survived.

- Lysak wrote.


The occupants' shelling damaged a five-story building and 6 private houses. The enemy also damaged the building of a utility company and a college.

In addition, 10 vehicles were vandalized, including those of the State Emergency Service and the police. An excavator and a scooter were also vandalized.

Enemy shells also destroyed an outbuilding, a garage and gas pipelines.

СБУ викрила агента рф, який наводив ракети на Придніпровську ТЕС22.04.24, 17:35


In the morning, Lysak reportedthat a Russian unmanned aerial vehicle, presumably an Orlan-10, was shot down in the sky in Dniprovsky district, Dnipro region .


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