
Carriers' strike: more than 3 thousand trucks queued up at the border with Poland - SBGS spokesman

 • 25404 переглядiв

More than 3,000 trucks are stuck in a queue due to the blocking of four checkpoints on the Ukrainian-Polish border. At the Dorohusk-Yagodyn checkpoint, protesters let several trucks through in the direction of Ukraine per hour, State Border Guard Service spokesman Andriy Demchenko said during a telethon, UNN correspondent reports.


As Demchenko reminded, yesterday, December 18, protesters blocked the Dorohusk-Yagodyn checkpoint. According to him, several trucks per hour are allowed to cross into Ukraine at this checkpoint.

"The Polish side is not accepting any trucks going to Poland. And fortunately, the traffic for buses traveling in both directions is not blocked," added Demchenko.

He also noted that three directions are still blocked: "Rava-Ruska, Krakivets and Shehyny.

"The traffic there is more intense than in the direction of the Yahodyn checkpoint. But in general, of course, we have long queues in Poland towards Ukraine. 1900 trucks as of this morning, and in the direction of the Yagodyn checkpoint there are 1400 trucks waiting to cross the border," the spokesman added.


In Poland, truckers again blocked the passage of trucks through the Dorohusk-Yagodyn highway.

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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