
Cancellation of the status of "limitedly fit": Defense Ministry explains what awaits military and persons liable for military service

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The Ministry of Defense explains that the abolition of the "limitedly fit" status for servicemen and women requires a second medical examination within 9 months, after which they will be determined as "fit" or "unfit" for military service.

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine explainedwhat awaits the military and persons liable for military service who have the status of "limited fitness," UNN reports .

On April 3, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy published Law No. 3621-IX, which, among other things, provides for the abolition of the "limitedly fit" status.

The Ministry of Defense notes that the abolition of the "restricted fit" status does not mean an automatic transition to another status (fit/unfit). The law comes into force one month after its publication, namely on May 4, 2024.

Citizens who are recognized as "partially fit" must undergo a second VLC within 9 months after the law comes into force. That is, by February 4, 2025.

Півмільйона не потрібно: Зеленський про мобілізацію03.04.24, 15:56

 After the law enters into force, the government has 3 months to adopt the relevant regulations that define the updated list of diseases for determining fitness or unfit for military service.

According to the Ministry of Defense, after a second inspection:

- military personnel who are found unfit will be dismissed from military service

- military personnel who are recognized as fit will continue to perform military service

Persons liable for military service who are found to be unfit are excluded from military registration, and persons liable for military service who are found to be fit can serve.

Addendum Addendum

On April 2, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed Law No. 10313 on ensuring the rights of military and police officers to social protection. The document also abolishes the status of "limitedly fit", and now there are only two categories: "fit" and "unfit" for military service.

 Zelenskyy also signed a bill to create an electronic office for persons liable for military service, which will facilitate the rapid collection and processing of military data and the digitalization of services for servicemen, thereby strengthening Ukraine's defense capabilities. 


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