
Border guards prevent illegal export of Stradivarius violin to Romania

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Ukrainian border guards prevented the illegal export of a 1713 violin by Antonius Stradivarius to Romania.

Ukrainian border guards together with customs officers prevented the export of a 1713 Antonius Stradivarius violin abroad. This was reported by the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, UNN reports .

In the trunk of a car at a checkpoint with Romania, border guards found an ancient musical instrument labeled "Antonius Stradiuarius Cremomentis Faciebad Anno 1713" that may be of historical value,

- the statement said.

The violin was seized by customs officials and sent for examination.


Ukrainian border guards helped return a 17th-century Jan Linsen painting stolen from the Dutch museum in Westfries almost 20 years ago, working with Polish authorities to seize it from a thief who was trying to sell it.


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