
Attempted murderer of a businessman detained in Ternopil region: man tried to escape through Tisa river

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A man who tried to kill a businessman in Ternopil region by shooting up his car in April was detained on his way to the Ukrainian border, which he planned to cross illegally across the Tisa River.

Law enforcement officers have detained a man who  shot at a businessman's car in Ternopil region in April this year. After the incident, the man wanted to flee Ukraine across the Tisa River. UNN reports this with reference to the regional police. 

In April of this year, in one of the suburban villages of Ternopil district, a private entrepreneur was attempted to be killed near his home.  The victim drove his car into the territory of his own house and at that moment an unknown person fired shots from a weapon at the car, causing him to receive three gunshot wounds. Doctors managed to save the man's life.

Investigators established that the offender received an order to kill a resident of Ternopil. For this, the killer was to receive $25,000. For almost four months, he had been following the victim, collecting detailed information about him and tracking his route. To do this, he rented an apartment in Ternopil and bought a car.

On the evening of April 19, he waited for the businessman near his house and shot him four times with a pistol in his car. He then fled the scene.

The organizer of the attempt was a 35-year-old resident of Cherkasy. He was detained on his way to the Ukrainian border, which he planned to illegally cross across the Tisa River. Two grenades and about 100 rounds of ammunition were seized from the man.

Police investigators under the procedural control of the Ternopil Regional Prosecutor's Office served him a notice of suspicion of committing crimes under Part 2 of Article 15 and Part 1 of Article 115 (attempted murder) and Part 1 of Article 263 (illegal handling of weapons, ammunition or explosives) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. He faces up to 15 years in prison for his actions.

The police are establishing the circle of people who may be involved in organizing and ordering this crime.

Умисне вбивство: через смерть Садикова підозрюваним у замаху на нього змінять підозру02.07.24, 10:07

Tatiana Kraevskaya

Crimes and emergencies


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