
At the OSCE meeting, where Lavrov was also invited, Burbock demanded that Putin stop the war

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At the OSCE meeting, German Foreign Minister Annalena Burbock called on Russia to end the war in Ukraine and criticized Russia's actions.

German Foreign Minister Annalena Burbock at the OSCE meeting, which was attended by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, called for an end to the war that Russia has unleashed in Ukraine. This was reported by Wild, according to UNN.

Stop the unspeakable suffering you are bringing to millions of people... Russia must adhere to the basic principles of the OSCE, withdraw its troops and reaffirm its commitment to peace. There is no need for negotiations and certainly no need for concessions from Ukraine 

- said Burbock.


At the conference of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, which is taking place today in Skopje, the capital of North Macedonia, Anna Burbock criticized the terrorist actions of Russia in Ukraine. However, Lavrov was not in the room when she made her statement. Burbock noted that the Russian foreign minister appears in the hall only when he speaks, and not to listen to others.

To recap

Several countries, including Ukraine and the three Baltic states, are not participating in the OSCE meeting because of the permission of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to attend. 

However, EU High Representative Josep Borrell saidthat the Russian foreign minister was allowed to hear the EU's criticism of Russia's actions directly at the OSCE summit. 

SEE ALSO: President's office reacts to Lavrov's admission to OSCE meeting

Anna Onishchenko



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