
Andriushchenko showed how the occupiers in Mariupol are moving troops by buses and cars

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In the temporarily occupied Mariupol, the russian army is moving troops by bus and car to the camps of the Mariupol-Berdiansk agglomeration. The movement of troops toward Rozivka/Pologi slowed by half over the weekend.

The russian army is redeploying military in the temporarily occupied Mariupol. This was reported in Telegram by the advisor to the mayor of Mariupol Petro Andriushchenko, UNN reports.

Another major overturning by buses and cars

- he wrote.

According to Andriushchenko, the transfer is carried out to the camps of the Mariupol-Berdiansk agglomeration.

At the same time, the shift towards Rozivka/Pologi slowed down by about half over the weekend.

No conclusions yet. Only the facts of fixation

- Andriushchenko added.


Earlier, partisans of the ATESh movement spotted an evacuation convoy transporting wounded Russian soldiers in the temporarily occupied Mariupol. A traffic agent spotted a Kamaz and three Ural trucks packed with wounded russian servicemen. The convoy was led by a traffic police car and was followed by an ambulance with military license plates.

З Маріупольського порту окупанти вивезли понад 80 тисяч зерна — МВА20.07.24, 23:40

Anastasia Ryabokon



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