
An interregional channel for selling drugs and psychotropics was exposed: 14 detainees, seizure of “goods” worth over UAH 11.5 million

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Law enforcement officers stopped the activities of a drug trafficking group operating in 8 regions of Ukraine. Drugs worth over UAH 11.5 million were seized, 14 people were detained, and the group's monthly income was over UAH 10 million.

Law enforcers exposed and stopped the activities of an interregional organized group that set up a drug trafficking channel in Ukraine. The police detained 14 members and seized "goods" worth more than UAH 11.5 million. This was reported by the press service of the Prosecutor General's Office, UNN reports.


According to the investigation, the drug business was organized by a 25-year-old resident of Dnipro. Members of the organized group were engaged in the production and sale of Alpha-PVP and amphetamine, as well as cannabis.

The traffickers operated in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Sumy, Donetsk, Odesa, Kyiv, Dnipro, Chernivtsi and Mykolaiv regions.

They offered and sold their "products" through an extensive network of Telegram channels. They sold drugs without personal meetings with customers - through so-called "bookmarks".

Each of the members of the interregional group was responsible for its own area of work - supply, storage of the "goods", further sale and legalization of funds received from drug trafficking.

У столиці затримано наркоділків, які зберігали наркотичні речовини у особливо великих розмірах12.07.24, 17:42

According to the Prosecutor General's Office, the estimated monthly income of the drug gang members was over UAH 10 million.

Law enforcement officers conducted 50 searches in these regions. Almost 20 kg of Alpha-PVP salts, amphetamine, mephedrone, cannabis, MDMA pills, and 200 pieces of LSD stamps were seized from illicit trafficking.

The value of the seized drugs and psychotropics at black market prices is over UAH 11.5 million.

In addition, weapons and ammunition, 8 cars worth more than USD 200 thousand, cash in the amount of USD 47,600, EUR 9200, UAH 393,580, and PLN 10,000 were seized.

На Вінниччині викрито потужну нарколабораторію з мільйонними прибутками11.07.24, 13:47

Fourteen members of the interregional organized group were detained. They were served a notice of suspicion of manufacturing psychotropic substances and narcotic drugs, as well as their sale (Part 2 and Part 3 of Art. 307 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

The suspects have now been chosen as a measure of restraint in the form of detention.

Tatiana Kraevskaya

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