
A storm warning has been issued for Odesa region tomorrow: Kiper urged residents of the region to limit travel

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Storm warning in Odesa region with wind, ice and fog may disrupt traffic; citizens are urged to limit car travel for safety.

Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 28, a storm warning has been issued in the region. Gusts of wind, ice, and sometimes fog are expected, which can significantly complicate traffic conditions. In this regard, the head of Odesa Regional State Administration Oleh Kiper called on citizens to limit their movements and travel by car, UNN reports .

"We urge citizens to limit their movement and travel by car if it is not an urgent need. Ensure your safety and the safety of others by refraining from traveling if possible.

We count on your understanding and cooperation during this period of extreme weather. Take care and follow the necessary safety measures!" - he wrote.

Lilia Podolyak



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