
A kindergarten was damaged in Holosiivskyi district of Kyiv, children managed to take shelter - Prosecutor General's Office

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The prosecutor's office inspected the aftermath of the Russian attack in the Holosiivskyi district of Kyiv, where a kindergarten and a house were damaged. The prosecutor's office also received data on the consequences in the Solomyansky district of the capital, where passers-by were injured in the explosion.

Writes UNN with reference to the message of the Office of the Prosecutor General.

Insidious massive enemy attack on the capital of Ukraine. Civilian infrastructure was destroyed in seven districts of Kyiv. I have recently returned from inspecting an attack that took place in the Holosiivskyi district of Kyiv, where a kindergarten was hit. Luckily, the children were in a shelter, so they were not injured. But a residential building nearby was damaged

- the statement reads.

Атака рф на Київ: кількість постраждалих зросла до 66, серед загиблих - лікарка Охматдиту08.07.24, 15:19

It was also noted that a building in the Solomyansky district of Kyiv was seriously damaged.

The explosion injured ordinary passersby who were on the street.

The Kyiv City Prosecutor's Office opened an investigation into this fact under Article 438 of the Criminal Code. In fact, this is a war crime.


In Kyiv, as of 15:30, 19 people were killed and more than 60 people were injured.

На місці удару по "Охматдиту" знайшли уламки корпусу крилатої ракети Х-101 – СБУ08.07.24, 15:44

Ihor Telezhnikov



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