
A ballistic missile can reach Odesa from Crimea in a minute: Kiper urges not to ignore alarms

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The head of the Odesa regional state administration warns of a constant threat of missile and drone attacks from Crimea.

The head of the Odesa Regional State Administration, Oleh Kiper, spoke about the situation in the region, UNN reports.


According to him, there is a constant threat of attacks.

"Today, if a ballistic missile is launched from the coast of Crimea, it takes 1-1.5 minutes to reach Odesa.

In addition, there is a "shahed" threat, as many "shaheds" are launched from Crimea in our direction. Either pointwise, to Odesa, or in transit to other regions.

Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to once again urge the residents of the region not to ignore the alarms," he said on the air of the United News marathon.

The enemy continues to attack energy infrastructure facilities, Kiper continued.

"They do not stop, the shelling is constant.

In addition, Russia is attacking port infrastructure. Over the entire period, there were more than 200 attacks on port infrastructure.

"The situation is not easy, all services are working to ensure that our residents and businesses have the capacity they need. They need to have electricity to work," he added.

Kiper also thanked international partners for their help in restoring Odesa region.

"A large amount falls on the shoulders of the state and local authorities. Everyone is working on it. Many volunteers, people who care, are helping. We are also grateful for international assistance," he added.

Lilia Podolyak



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