
A 12-year-old girl from the occupied Luhansk region dies in a Russian prison while undergoing "rehabilitation"

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A 12-year-old girl from the Luhansk region died while undergoing "rehabilitation" in a Russian prison. More than 100 schoolchildren from Luhansk region were hospitalized.

In Tyumen (Russian Federation), after "rehabilitation" a 12-year-old girl from the occupied Luhansk region died, and more than 100 schoolchildren were hospitalized. This was reported by the head of the Luhansk Regional State Administration Artem Lysogor, UNN reports .

These children were returning from Tyumen, where they had gone for recreation. Not in the summer, not to the Krasnodar region, for example, but to Tyumen in December. Their immunity failed. It was not possible to harden the boys and girls

- Lysogor wrote.


It is noted that the 12-year-old Luhansk resident lost consciousness on the train and could not be saved.

Other children are in a hospital in the Saratov region. More than 30 out of 125 of them have fever. All the children are being examined, tested and diagnosed. The Luhansk schoolchildren are isolated from the others.

Local authorities assure that they will organize a hotline with parents. However, there is no connection with many of them due to the lack of mobile coverage in a number of towns and villages of the so-called "lPR."

У ПАРЄ створили комітет з питань українських дітей28.11.23, 18:29

Olga Rozgon



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