
30% of official declarations will be checked by the automated system by the new year - NAZK

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30% of declarants are likely to receive a "gift under the Christmas tree" - a certificate that everything is fine in their declarations. In just one day. The Agency has already issued more than 46 thousand such certificates. This was reported by the head of the NACP head Oleksandr Novikov on the air of the national telethon "United News", UNN reports.

We have launched an automated system for verifying declarations. And about 30% of declarants will receive a certificate, as they say, "under the a certificate under the Christmas tree. They will receive a certificate stating that no violations were found in their declarations. In one day, we have already issued more than 46 thousand such certificates.

- Novikov said.


Novikov joked that such a Christmas gift in the form of a declaration will be given to honest public servants. Namely, "those who work honestly in local governments or state authorities".

We believe that 30% is a very good result. Because the officials' declaration is complicated, we are working on making it simpler, to make it simpler, and we hope to achieve a result of 80%.

- Novikov expressed his hopes for the future.

However, he noted that there are still declarations that cannot be checked automatically. automatically. In particular, those declarants who have cash in the amount of over UAH 320 thousand - their declarations cannot be checked automatically, because in  we do not have a register of cash funds.

Also, persons who declare assets located abroad in their declarations also cannot be checked automatically. After all, the NACP does not have the appropriate tools for automated verification of such assets. 

Tatiana Salganik



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