
While Russia is trying to destroy all life, we are trying to save as many lives as possible - Zelensky on the consequences of the massive attack

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Zelenskiy emphasizes Ukraine's commitment to saving lives amid Russian attacks. The country is protecting people and animals amid growing casualties.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy shared footage of Ukrainians saving animals from the consequences of Russian aggression and noted that while the enemy is trying to destroy all life, Ukrainians are saving them, UNN reports.

While Russian missiles are trying to destroy all life, we are trying to save as many lives as possible, saving every person and every living soul. These are the values we fight for day in and day out. All people and animals, all living things need protection when the Russian occupier encroaches on the land of your country 

- Zelensky wrote on Telegram.


The number of victims of Russia's massive attack on Ukraine has increased to 127. Also, 5 people were killed. 

READ MORE: Patriot systems save lives, which is the main mission in the civilized world. More of them are needed - Yermak

Anna Onishchenko



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