
"We knew we were coming, but we couldn't do anything": the DIU discloses details of strikes on the Russian Black Sea Fleet and new Magura V5 maritime drones

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Ukrainian intelligence has confirmed that maritime drones played a key role in successful attacks on the port in occupied Crimea and on Russian ships stationed there. It also mentions the Magura V5 drone and the significant support of the United Kingdom and the United States in building a fleet of Ukrainian maritime strike drones to counter Russian naval presence in the Black Sea.

The Ukrainian intelligence provided details of the attack on the objects of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, as well as the important role of maritime drones, in the creation of which the United Kingdom and THE UNITED STATES. This was reported by UNN with reference to the official Telegram channel of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine. of Ukraine.


A serviceman of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine with the call sign "13", who who commands a fleet of maritime drones, told the British newspaper The Times details of several successful attacks on Russian ships in the temporarily occupied Crimea.

According to the the military, at dawn on November 10, 2023, Ukrainian naval drones entered the port, bypassing anti-submarine nets. Having noticed the drones, the Russians opened machine gun fire, but failed to stop their movement. Ukrainian forces managed to destroyed two enemy landing boats of the "shark" and "Serna" - the vessels went down with an armored personnel carrier loaded on board. armored personnel carrier loaded on board. In addition, another drone exploded in a local repair dock.

They (the Russian occupiers) knew we were coming, but they couldn't do anything. The joy was incredible. The goal of my life was to sink a Russian ship, and we sank two at once. (...) Now we have a new goal - to sink something bigger

- said the scout.

The military also told details about the successful defeat of the Russian reconnaissance Ivan Khurs and an expensive patrol vessel of the occupiers "Serhiy Kotov" in May and September of this year. In particular, the military noted that "the cost of all the drones used in the attack is thousands of times lower than the construction of one ship like the Kotov and the training of crews."

It is emphasized that Ukrainian operators of maritime drones are changing approaches to war on the water, which has already become an important factor in ensuring freedom of navigation in the Black Sea. Western partners are very interested in these tools.

One of these is the Magura V5, a drone equipped with two cameras, infrared optics, a satellite module; it has a 300 horsepower engine horsepower, which allows it to reach a speed of 45 nautical miles per hour, and a warhead that weighs 250 kilograms.

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As indicated, a new modification of the marine drone also allows you to place mines on the way of enemy ships and return to the port of deployment.

 In the creation of the Ukrainian fleet of maritime strike drones played a significant role in the creation of the Ukrainian fleet of maritime strike drones  The United Kingdom and the United States. This cooperation resulted in significant losses of the fleet of the terrorist Russia and the ousting of the aggressor from the western part of the Black Sea.

To recap,

Russia has not restored the barriersdesigned to protect the Crimean bridge after the after the flooding, instead prioritizing the repair of the naval base in Sevastopol, despite the absence of key ships.

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Ihor Telezhnikov



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