
Venice bans tourist groups of more than 25 people

 • 35567 переглядiв

Venice limits tourist groups to 25 people and bans loudspeakers - the new rules come into force on 1 June 2024.

Municipality of Venice imposes restrictions on the number of members of groups accompanied by tourist guides guides. Groups will not be able to exceed 25 people, i.e. half of the passengers of a tourist bus. This is reported by Venezia Today, according to UNN.


In the fight against the negative effects of mass tourism, the city of Venice bans tourist groups of more than 25 people accompanied by guides. This decision was made by the city council at its last meeting and announced the day before. This measure applies to the center of the city city center and the islands of Murano, Burano and Torcello. Also, on city tours in the loudspeakers will also be banned from city tours in the future.

У Грузії стався землетрус30.12.23, 09:27

The measures will come into force into force on June 1, 2024. This is aimed at promoting sustainable tourism and ensuring the safety and security of the city, said the city's security advisor Elisabetta Pesce.

In addition, the mayor of Venice Mayor Luigi Bruniaro signed a decree to protect public safety on New Year's Eve. From December 31 to January 1, 2024, from 6:00 a.m., the sale and serving of stores, bars and outdoor kiosks will be prohibited from selling and serving drinks in glass bottles, corked cans and plastic bottles. It is also forbidden to consume any beverages on the street.

У Французьких Альпах лавина вбила 54-річну британку та її 22-річного сина30.12.23, 04:33

Ihor Telezhnikov



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