
Urgent evacuation of the population began in the Kurgan region of Russia due to flooding

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An urgent evacuation of residents has begun in the Kurgan region of Russia due to severe flooding: the Tobol River level has reached a critical level of 9 meters, rising by 3.5 meters overnight.

Urgent evacuation of residents has begun in the Kurgan region. The level of the Tobol River has approached a critical point and has already reached almost 9 meters - in a day, the water has risen by 3.5 meters and continues to rise rapidly. This is reported by the SHOT telegram channel, UNN reports.


According to SHOT, in the Zvirinogolovsky district of Kurgan region of Russia, the authorities have already announced a forced evacuation of residents - rescuers and police are currently going door-to-door, waking people up and urging them to leave their homes and move to prepared temporary accommodation centers.

Earlier, a state of emergency was declared in the region due to severe flooding, and schoolchildren were transferred to distance learning. The flood is expected to peak between April 11 and 14, but the next day may be difficult in the settlements located in the floodplain of the Tobol River.

Велика вода у рф: мітинг зібрався на площі в орську, поліція заблокувала вхід до мерії08.04.24, 16:57

Lilia Podolyak



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