
Umerov met with the Commander-in-Chief of the Swedish Armed Forces: they discussed reforms and transparent procurement

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Ukraine's Defense Minister Rustem Umerov met with Swedish General Mikael Büden to discuss the ministry's reforms and thank Sweden for its support.

Defense Minister of Ukraine Rustem Umerov met with Commander-in-Chief of the Swedish Armed Forces General Mikael Bjuden, UNN reports with reference to the Defense Ministry.

He informed the general about reforms in the ministry. Transparent lethal and non-lethal procurement, uncompromising fight against corruption and localization of defense production in Ukraine are our priorities

- Rustem Umerov emphasized.

During the meeting that took place last week, the Ukrainian Defense Minister thanked Michael Büden and his country for their constant political, diplomatic and military support.

He expressed readiness to share the experience of the Ukrainian army with our Swedish allies. He extended an invitation to Swedish Defense Minister Paul Johnson to visit Ukraine again , 

- Rustem Umerov added.

Antonina Tumanova



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