
Ukrainian traitors: Kiva, Medvedchuk, Kovalev, Shepelev and others - someone was killed, and someone was practically released by the judges

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Today, the odious traitor of Ukraine and collaborator Ilya Kiva was killed in russia. Our sources in the law enforcement agencies reported that this was a special operation of the SBU. Subsequently, the GUR of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine confirmed the fact of the liquidation of the collaborator. UNN decided to remember which of the traitors of the Ukrainian people suffered the same fate, who is alive and well hiding in russia, or in other countries.

The top topic of today was a murder in the Moscow region former MP from the banned OPPJ party, Ilya's collaborator Kiwi. UNN sources in law enforcement agencies reportedthat the collaborator was eliminated from small arms. Subsequently, the murder of the ex-MP was confirmed and in The Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of defense of Ukraine.

UNN decided to remember which of the traitors of the Ukrainian the people suffered the same fate, who is alive and well hiding in Russia, or in Russia. other countries.


Ilya Kiva was without a doubt the most odious traitor. From the first during the war in Spain, he began to call on Ukrainians to lay down their weapons, and the Ukrainian authorities are ready to negotiate with the Russian Federation. He boasted that the Ukrainian army demoralized, air defense and aviation destroyed, Russian landings are underway at airports landing party.

"The War is lost, Russian tanks in Kiev" - wrote Kiva in your tg channel.

However, the APU quickly refuted all these fictions collaborator.

Subsequently, Kiva moved to the Russian Federation, where he became a frequent guest on propaganda channels, continuing to support Russian aggression.

In March 2022, the Verkhovna Rada stripped Kiva deputy mandate, and in May, law enforcement officers completed the investigation for the fact of Kiva's high treason.

In November of this year, Kivu was sentenced in absentia to 14 years in prison.

The Last Post on Kiwi's tg channel appeared on December 6. 9 o'clock in the morning in it, the ex-MP fantasized that Zelensky allegedly negotiated about political asylum in the United States, but he is afraid that he will be extradited to the Russian Federation or killed.


Another collaborator who suffered the same fate as Kiva, Alexey Kovalev, who represented the servant of the People Party in this Council.

In April 2022, Kovalev posted on his social network page he said that he was in the Kherson region occupied by Russian troops – allegedly, he stays with the voters of his district. In May, the "servants" were expelled Kovaleva from the faction.

In June, Kovalev no longer hid that he was a collaborator – posted a laudatory message on the social network about the meeting with a representative of the Russian Federation Sergey Kiriyenko

"Visited a very important one for me, and for all farmers in our region, west is the first deputy head of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation Serhiy Kiriyenko met with farmers of the Kherson region. First, they stated, that Russia is here seriously and for a long time. Secondly, at the meeting, we voiced all our questions and suggestions. It is planned to fully integrate farmers of the Kherson region into the economic model of Russia. I think I will tell you not only about myself, but also about the rest participants of the meeting-people came out with the realization that Russia hears and understands us", - the collaborator wrote in the post.

At the same time in June, Kovalev's car was blown up, Asam he survived. Involvement in the attempted murder of the collaborator was confirmed by the Gur Mo Ukraine.

In July, the collaborator managed to get a high position in the the Occupation "Government of Kherson region" and suspicion in absentia for high treason.

At the end of August, Kovalev was found murdered.


Another traitor to Ukraine, who, unlike Kiva and Kovalev, lucky to survive ex-MP from the party of Regions Oleg Tsarev, who he fled Ukraine immediately after the revolution of dignity.

In recent years, the traitor has not shown any political support activity and SMEs in the temporarily occupied Crimea. However, with the beginning a full-scale Russian invasion has intensified.  

"Friends. As I promised you, we are acting. Operation with denazification of Ukraine has begun," Tsarev wrote on his tg channel on the first day of the war.

Even in March I was in the Kiev region – I hoped start "restoring normal" life here.

In October of this year, an attempt was made on Tsarev's life, however the collaborator managed to survive. Law enforcement sources claimedthat it was a special operation of the SBU.


Some of the traitors, while in the Russian Federation, try to do a form that leads an active political life. In particular, the ex-MP, and one of the leaders banned OPPJ, Vladimir Putin's godfather Viktor Medvedchuk, whom Ukraine has in September 2022, she gave Russia under the Ace of a large exchange, in which she was captured the Azovstal defense commanders have returned.

Medvedchuk registered the organization "other Ukraine" and writes articles with the same theses that he voiced when he was considered Ukrainian a politician.

In particular, that independence was granted to Ukraine by Russia, that the union between Ukraine and the Russian Federation is allegedly dictated by economic factors, which after during the revolutions of 2004 and 2014, the West is building an anti-Russia system in Ukraine that is pro-Western nationalists are leading Ukraine to poverty and so on. And even now Medvedchuk does not say that there is a war between Russia and Ukraine. Calls it Ukrainian conflict.


Unlike Medvedchuk, he disappeared from the political radar. one traitor and representative of the OPPJ Oleg Voloshin.

Infamous for being from the rostrum of the Verkhovna Rada he called Ukraine a country that has no sovereignty.

Ukrainian law enforcement officers claim that he hiding in Russia. Voloshin himself in a comment to one of the publications this information objected.


It is not entirely clear where another traitor is hiding now from the ranks of OPZH Renat Kuzmin. On February 25, in his tg channel, he openly accused the Ukrainian people and Ukraine in the Russian attack, and stated that Ukraine needs " denazification and debanderization".


But the ex-regional Alexander Yefremov, in principle, does not he hides that he lives in Moscow. Alexander Yefremov is accused of high treason, deliberate actions aimed at changing the borders of the territory and state border of Ukraine. He even managed to sit in jail. But later they began to soften the measure for him a preventive measure, and it got to the point that they were released under a personal obligation.

As journalists of the project "schemes" found out in March Efremov he left Ukraine for Slovakia, and then sailed to Moscow.

There he lives in luxury apartments for 2.8 million in total, his family owns luxury real estate worth 4 4 million. dollars.


This list of odious traitors to Ukraine would be incomplete without ex-MP from "Batkivshchyna" Alexander Shepelev. Now it is located in Ukrainian prison, but because of the humanity of some representatives of the Ukrainian THEMIS has every chance of being released. This person is accused of involvement before the murders of five people.

Then Shepelev was hiding from the investigation in Russia he he actively collaborated with the fsb, helped create the "dpr", and admitted it himself. A RF refused to extradite him to Ukraine for reasons of national security and protection of their own interests of Russia.

but three Supreme Court justices "unexpectedly" decide a person, who is suspected of high treason, reduce part of his prison term for escaping from custody under the"Savchenko law".  

Zakhar Podkidyshev



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